The Millard School is a private Christian school located in the heart of the Appalachian Mountains in Louisa, Kentucky. The Millard School mission is to “create a world of wonder” for students in Eastern Kentucky in order for them “to discover their God-given destiny”. This is the mission, one that is truly living in the hearts and minds of the Board, administration, parents, students and staff.
Currently, students from preschool to 12th grade are being served at The Millard School (TMS). The founders Tim and Lelia Robinson began The Millard School as a desire to provide the very best education and services for their own children in a Christian culture. This God-ordained calling has grown from one room with six students to a fully functioning school which is housed in its own facility.
Principal's Message
Welcome to our webpage!
We believe that education is an individual journey for our students and we want to give them every opportunity and resource to prepare them for the work that God has created them to do. Our goal is to assess every student’s abilities (body, mind, and spirit) and then use that data to drive our curriculum, staffing, programs, activities, and resources so that we can create a personal education plan for every student so that they can reach their full potential in Christ.
- Travis York -
TMS Principal
Vision & Values
Respect for the Dignity of Life
Entrepreneurship Innovation